Gay gay gay homosexual gay meme

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He probably somewhat understands Louis at this point) Louis isn’t the voice of reason because he’s logical, he’s the voice of reason because he talks like he’s a living poem and it confuses the hell out of everyone so to avoid the headache of trying to understand Louis, they’ll just automatically give up and give in to Edward (unless you’re Felix.If you’re having issues that can’t be resolved with his talking skills or magic, you’re going to the wrong person Louis just isn’t great for situations that don’t involve doing wizard shit or being voice of reason.Adding onto that, if by some miracle you do despike his hair, it will immediately return to its spikey form.Felixs hair is just naturally spikey at this point, he used too much hair gel and now it just refuses to return to normal no matter how much he tries.Carvers hair was the result of him trying to follow a YouTube tutorial and failing miserably, but not caring enough to fix it because he thought he looked good either way (whether or not he does is up for debate).

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